I lift weights, and I walk three to five miles a day. Sometimes I’ll stroll, sometimes I’ll challenge myself with intervals to vary it up. There’s no rhyme or reason in what I do; the key thing is just to do it.”
Where He Exercises: Mark has an ideal set-up in his basement. Along with a weight bench, the space includes a stationary bike and a treadmill. Although he prefers the outdoors, Mark doesn’t let the weather hinder his workout plans. “I lift weights, and I walk three to five miles a day. Mark treats his schedule much like his training regimen — sporadic and in tune with his body’s needs. “I do maybe 20 to 25 days in a row and then take a day off.”
Favorite Workout: Running was a favorite pastime, but when Mark started experiencing knee problems, he knew he needed an alternate form of cardio. “Walking is my favorite workout. It seems like when I’m out on my route, I can solve all the world’s problems. I lose myself.”
How He Stays Motivated: Mark doesn’t have much trouble finding the motivation. It’s not results driven, or statistics driven, but feeling driven. Years of habit-forming has left Mark feeling out of sorts if exercise in some form isn’t incorporated into his daily routine.
Future Fitness Goals: “I walk the Triple Crown and the Mini Marathon. I’d like to keep doing the Mini Marathon as long as I can. Those are fun because it’s a challenge. When I’m with a lot of people, it’s more motivating because I’m competitive. I try to beat everyone I can.”
By Brigid Morrissey | Photo by Melissa Donald
*Original article published in 2017.
P.S. Looking for more fitness inspiration? Read about Dot Malone’s fitness journey.
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